Running a successful business involves assessing and controlling risks of various kinds including health and safety hazards. Employers tend to treat their compliance obligations under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 as a regulatory burden but there are real business benefits to gain from taking a more strategic approach to health and safety compliance. Effective health and safety compliance can foster a more productive work environment, minimise risks, reduce insurance costs and enhance an Organisation’s reputation as a safety conscious Employer. The following guidance includes an explanation of strategic health and safety compliance and how to develop and implement health and safety strategic goals.

What is health and safety compliance?

The primary legislation covering the safety, health and welfare of people at work is set out in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 also set out further health and safety obligations for both Employers and Employees. From an Employer’s perspective, health and safety compliance involves ensuring that all necessary steps as required under the applicable legislation are taken to provide a safe place of work.

The fundamental health and safety compliance obligation for Employers under this legislation involves ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of Employees.

Employers must provide:

  • a safe place of work
  • safe systems of work
  • competent Employees
  • safe equipment

This obligation includes ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that people who visit the place of work and who are not Employees, are likewise not exposed to safety, health, or welfare risks.

Employees also have health and safety obligations and must take reasonable care to protect their safety, health, and welfare, and that of others, affected by their work activities.

What is a strategic approach to health and safety compliance?

Essentially, taking a strategic approach to health and safety compliance involves developing safety goals that create advantages for your Organisation in the long term. This typically involves an ongoing process of setting high-level goals, developing plans of action, and effectively allocating resources to execute those plans. A strategic approach can also be applied to the area of health and safety compliance which does not have to be viewed as another legal requirement or an extra layer of regulatory red tape. There are organisational opportunities and benefits to be gained from developing a safe workplace and safe work processes.

What are the benefits of taking a strategic approach to health and safety compliance?

Risk Management

Taking a strategic and proactive approach to implementing health and safety measures reduces the likelihood of workplace accidents and illnesses. This not only protects Employees but also mitigates financial risks associated with compensation claims.

Employee Productivity

Including Employees in a strategic approach to health and safety management and tracking the progress of the safety of the work environment boosts Employee morale and productivity. Workers who feel safe are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and loyal to the Organisation.

Business Reputation

There are also reputational benefits to reap from taking a strategic approach to health and safety compliance. Delivering on strategic health and safety goals signals to stakeholders—customers, investors, and the community—that the Organisation is committed to responsible and ethical practices.

Financial Benefits

Finally, taking a strategic approach to health and safety compliance helps avoid costly sanctions and legal claims. Organisations with robust safety records are more likely to benefit from reduced insurance premiums by reducing their exposure to legal liabilities, fines, or other legal sanctions.

What does a strategic approach to health and safety compliance entail?

The following approaches can help Organisations implement a strategic approach to health and safety compliance:

Health & Safety Continual Performance Improvement 

Implementing an iterative process to enhance health and safety standards within the Organisation. This approach involves identifying systematic steps that lead to ongoing improvement and progress ensuring that the workplace remains safe and compliant.

Cultivating a Culture of Health & Safety First

This involves going beyond policies and procedures and fostering a workplace culture where health and safety are prioritised and factored into all work processes. Management can develop strategies that develop, implement, and promote a robust culture of safety consciousness among Employees at all levels.

Tailored H&S Management Systems

Organisations that develop Health and Safety Management Systems that are tailored to their operations can ensure regulatory health and safety compliance and achieve strategic health and safety goals. A tailored Health and Safety Management System can streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and contribute to a safer working environment.

Protect Your Organisation

Strategic health and safety compliance is essential for creating a safe, productive, and legally compliant workplace. By embedding health and safety into operations, Organisations can protect their most valuable asset—their Employees—while achieving long-term success and sustainability. Through leadership commitment, effective risk management, Employee engagement, and continuous improvement, Organisations can navigate the complexities of health and safety compliance and build a culture of safety that benefits everyone.


To find out more specifics about how our Strategic Health and Safety Solutions can transform your Organisation’s approach to health and safety compliance, please contact the team at Adare at or by phone at 01 561 3594.