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Remote Working Decoded: Code of Practice Requirements
Our latest eBook, Remote Working Arrangements: Code of Practice Requirements offers comprehensive guidance, grounded in the latest Code of Practice and legislative frameworks.
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Reorganisation: Redundancy
Learn how to navigate the complexities of reorganisation and redundancy with our latest eBook on Reorganisation: Redundancies.
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Workplace Investigations
This essential guide gives Employers best practice guidance for effective and compliant investigative processes and to help mitigate the huge risks associated with poorly managed investigations.
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Workplace Safety
There are a variety of ways to communicate any new safety information to employees.
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Talent Management
Talent management is a strategic approach to acquiring, developing, and retaining top talent within an Organisation.
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Talent Development
Ireland is experiencing a significant skills shortage which is having negative consequences for businesses and the employee experience.
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Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions
As of December 16th, 2022, the EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions was transposed into legislation.
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Retention Strategies
One of the greatest challenges facing Organisations generally is attracting and retaining talented Employees.
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Collective Redundancies
One of the biggest impacts on the employment market is the decision to reduce headcount and right size the Organisation.