Kieran Mulvey
Non-Executive Director, Chairperson
Our Chairman, Kieran Mulvey, is recognised as one the premier mediators and facilitators in Ireland having undertaken many significant strategic and transformative agreements for government, government departments, state agencies and in the private sector. Having served as Chief Executive of the Labour Relations Commission from 1991 to 2015 and as the first Director General of the Workplace Relations Commission in 2015, Kieran Mulvey is an invaluable source of advice and guidance to our team and the Board in Adare.
Kieran is former General Secretary of the Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland (ASTI) and Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT). Kieran has also acted as a Consultant with the EU, National Economic and Social Council, Eurofound and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on matters relating to public management, human resources management and industrial relations. He chaired negotiations which led to National Public Service Agreements and was commissioned by the Government to author a Report on the Regeneration of Dublin’s’ North East Inner City and to chair mediation on the transfer of the National Maternity Hospital to the St. Vincent Campus.
Kieran has also held many posts as a member of State Boards and Universities including Health, Economic, Social Council, Broadcasting and Overseas Development and is currently Chair of Sport Ireland.
He has authored and contributed to various reports for the European Foundation and the ILO, as well as articles to several professional journals. Kieran is a graduate of UCD Honorary Professor of the School of Management at Queens University in Belfast, Fellow of the Educational Institute of Scotland and holds Honorary Doctorates in Law from the National University of Ireland and UCD. He was awarded the first Honorary Fellowship of the CIPD and a lifetime membership of the ELAI, for his respective contribution to HR/IR and Employment Law in Ireland.
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